Alexandre the tindered


go on

Neptune . 1727563077690

When the bass gets bumpin up in the club pour another shot and show me some love I wana get the party goin Ladies to the front Now Let me see you shake it & Turn the music up

When the bass gets bumpin up in the club pour another shot and show me some love I wana get the party goin Ladies to the front Now Let me see you shake it & Turn the music up

Lovely person 𖹭 1727559857378

I turned off my auto correct give me something to spell and ill spell it with my eyes closed


Lovely person 𖹭 1727558415844

That one candle anon again, it's been a bit. Hi. I think I've gaslit myself into thinking venting is cringe and can't be serious when I need to talk about how I feel. I think it's because I saw a video on tiktok a while ago about how venting online/through discord status is cringe. Anyway, how are you? 🕯

I think is either really funny or ironic how you guys trust me to talk or open up, I don't know what you see on me but I don't see a problem in fact I think is quite useful. And yes it's been a while hellooo! I don't think venting is cringe, it's a way for people to open up theyre selves. It's ok to not be serious when talking about yourself, hell I myself have that difficulty! But yeah venting through discord status is somewhat embarrassing because.. ehh you're basically saying something about yourself in a way anyone can see. Of course I don't see a problem, but it is a bit embarrassing. But please don't confuse this with venting or opening up, it's just a way of people expressing they're selves so its ok! And yeah I'm a little stressed (I had to stop my world research) but doing good as well ^^

Lovely person 𖹭 1727556117634

I often get dreams of poisoning my biological father or just killing him for what he did and then I feel really bad because I don't want to be like him. - 🍒

Killing is not a good thing in my opinion (I'm guilty for saying this). But really, revenge is not the best option in my opinion over all. You're strong for what you've been through, but really is it worth it? You're just going to put yourself lower then him, showing you're no better and all. And honestly it's ok to feel bad over thinking that, you did think it because he did cause you a damage you will take for the rest of your life. As well its not your fault for thinking, when people feel anger we tend to always think of a way of discounting. And it's ok, but we all need to learn how to become better right? I can guarantee, hes not important in your life anymore. He's far far gone, he's just a memory now and that's how you should see him. It can hurt, it can be hard and painful to just let go of all of this. But you will do it, one day you will probably look back and be proud of how strong you are and how you can always keep moving forward no matter the situation

Lovely person 𖹭 1727555952097

When the bass gets bumpin up in the club pour another shot and show me some love I wana get the party goin Ladies to the front Now Let me see you shake it & Turn the music up

When the bass gets bumpin up in the club pour another shot and show me some love I wana get the party goin Ladies to the front Now Let me see you shake it & Turn the music up

Lovely person 𖹭 1727555928610

Confession / kinda vent : I HATE having DID I wish I didn't have it, it affects my relationships with my friends SM like yesterday I had a trip with my college and when we got back to the college one of my friends was asking my other friends if they could give them head scratches and they all said no and after ten minutes they asked me but were really hesitant because they thought I'd get mad?? I never get mad and apparently all throughout the trip I kept snapping at them and told them to die when they tried to talk to me so they thought I hated them but that's so not true I love them and would let them touch me if they wanted but that specific alter really hates touch so to my friends it's like they're walking on eggshells BC they don't know if I'm going to scream at them, be fine or overly touchy due to all the alters in my system :cc it makes me feel really bad and I also get so frustrated that I missed out on the trip and time with my friends BC of this stupid disorder that I developed because people are mean. My mum always says to let go of the past but I can't because what they did left me with a disorder that will NEVER go away and ruins every relationship I have and affects my daily life. And I wouldn't have to go through this if people weren't so cruel and abusive. I could've been able to experience life normally but no. I'll never forgive them they took away my life and normality simply because I was different than them. - 🍒


If I had a penny for every person I knew that has DID I would have 2, wich isn't much but its funny how it happened twice. I'm probably not the best person to talk about this or relate, but honestly you shouldn't 100% hate it. Even if it sometimes doesn't help you with your relationships, they still are your friends right? Even if it messes you up you should never forget that they will still stick next to you, doesn't matter the occasion. Of course, it's also a way of learning more about yourself. I don't understand about DID as I'm not a professional, but really with this experience you should aways see everything as an opportunity to grow as a person. Like for example the alter, maybe this event was an opportunity for them to learn how to become less aggressive towards touchy people. Im sorry for what you've been through, and i think you're very strong over how tall you stand. Letting go of the past is honestly the worst frase I ever heard, the past says so much about people and helps you learn more and more about others and yourself. It shouldnt be seen as something to let go, it's supposed to be seen as a event that happened and you learned from it. Even if it's bad or good, it's something you should keep in your mind. Not cherish and 100% remember it, but reminds that even if it's bad it's what turned it into you. Why do you think people get so interested on books about people's past? P.s. ITS OK TO VENT TO ME DW


Sometimes I forget how fucking weird brazilian people are when it comes to protests. Like yall be burning cars and writting graffiti, or even boycotting. And the there was a group of people during the brazilian dictatorship that was called "8 de outubro" AND THEY NOT ONLY ROBBED BANKS WHILE SCREAMJNG ABOUT THE SITUATION BUT THEY KIDNAPPED THE AMERICAN AMBASSADOR AND THREATENED TO KILL HIM IF THE CENSORSHIP WASNT CANCELED 😭. THIS ISNT A FANFIC THAT LITERALLY HAPPENED AND I WILL NEVER GET THIS FACT OUT OF MY MIND


When the bass gets bumpin up in the club pour another shot and show me some love I wana get the party goin Ladies to the front Now Let me see you shake it & Turn the music up

Neptune . 1727554032439

confession in 2020 i once scammed someone out of a arctic fox on adopt me and i never gave it back AND i ended up trading it for something better


Lovely person 𖹭 1727550253415

At 12:00am on October 3rd I will explode and will bring you down with me 🦉

do NOT bring me with you in that shit I'm happy here thank you bubo 😒

Lovely person 𖹭 1727549830130

controversial opinion or half vent idk ??? people with "aams dni" or shaming "aams" (adult attracted minors) are literally victim shamers, i used to be like that due to trauma and it made me feel really bad and like society hated me bc i couldnt control it and for most people its probably due to trauma or grooming (im more healed now and am not like that anymore tho yay) (sorry if this isnt a dm idk how to use this im new lol)

It's ok don't worry hun! Idk what is a "adult attracted minors" specifically, the first things that cake in my mind is a pedo but I might be very wrong. Please correct me ofc if I'm wrong. But sure you're right if that doesn't become more and more trauma to other people

Lovely person 𖹭 1727548875635

Ahwiwiwiwiwiwi - 🍒


Lovely person 𖹭 1727548821563

I honestly love you so much aven Ur the sweetest person ever you actually watch the tiktok spam I send you you actually check up on me and make me so happy U even defended me when people tried to start drama with me Ur genuinely the kindest person on this site and ilysm bro please don't turn into the jonkler at 5:42 on the 14th September 2032 - 🍒

I will turn into jonkler. And thank you so much for the kind words ^^ this means a lot because I myself am not a good person if being honest, I'm trying my best to actually understand simple things or even know what can cause harm. So seeing that I did hit my gol of becoming some what better makes me happy, I should be thinking you and everyone for being part of this change in person on me


VTUBER FANS!!! Who's ur favorite vtuber? :D

100% houshou marine. "Oh but she's sexual" she was the first vtuber I heard about and specifically because of her music, I LOVE HOW THE LYRICS ARE SO WELL MADE LIKE THEY ACTUALLY LINE?? AND THE MUSIC TIMING IS SO PERFECT, EVEN IF ITS J-POP IT DOESNT SOUND AT ALL GENERIC FOR ME AND I LOVE THE PIRATE THEME


If you were to be transported to the last piece of media you consumed, what is it and what would you do? Would you like it?

I mean.. does aquarium news and videos talking about sea animals count as a media?

Lovely person 𖹭 1727544795307

otters otters otters 🦦🦦🦦🦦🦦

RAAAH I LOVE OTTERS!!!!!! They have a really deep meaning for me because it reminds me of a kid I had to take care in my old job. But here is a fun fact I remembered (prob one of the main reasons why I have hope for society) On December 12 in 2014, there was the sea otter pup 681. The were abandoned as an orphan in california and now calls Chicago's Shedd Aquarium they're home. On the Friday they made a big vote for the pup name, and it wasn't only people I'm the aquarium it was public! Everyone could choose, and it came for the name "luna" as the option. It always bring warmth into me knowing that sea animals can be saved by a lot of people, and they always reunite big groups of people that want to help even if it's something small like a name. Article with the information

Lovely person 𖹭 1727536815637


Will do! Dw



Steven !!! 1727527513761

#001 , 28 / 9 / 2024 : QUESTION OF THE DAY

-- What makes your ideal sleeping environment / conditions? How many blankets and pillows? Any plushies or stuffed animals? Specific lighting needs?

( Current Theme : General Questions. )

I LIKE SLEEPING ON THE FLOOR. like one pillow and on the ground, it's so so so so nice. I don't mind noise or light at all, if the ground is either cold or warm and there is one pillow I'm absolutely happy and ok to sleep

Lovely person 𖹭 1727529054305

You should listen to sløtface they released a new album yesterday it's so good - 🍒

I love any genre of music so hell yeah I will

Lovely person 𖹭 1727525071696

Concession I think, I sometimes absolutely HATE when I share a specific interest with someone ... specifically if I don't know them or if they're just annoying as balls clanking together..(actual balls).... or if they're like "you don't like (thing) more then me!!" THE ONLY PEOPLE WHO LIKE IT MORE THEN YOU ARE THE CREATORS OF THAT THING🔥🔥🔥 (unless your cool and just wanna be protective over your interest like me, your fine) ok confession session over

TRUE I absolutely hate sharing my interests some time because there is always that mf that goes "ehm.. actually 🤓" LIKE SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!!! But you can share with me, I absolutely love hearing about people's interests and such

Lovely person 𖹭 1727530004040

' im problematic and insane (not in the illegal way) ' ur not funny or cool for that

I'm not trying to be funny? Look I put that as a warning because I am NOT someone mentally stable, as much as I try to be nice to people I suck a lot when ut comes to a lot of things like knowing what's wrong or right, being sensitive and genuinely having some sort of profile. That's really just a warning of how I am mentally, like for ex: I don't have opinions over politics or situations, I can't tell what's right or just morally right, so if I'm asked about the situation I won't say how I feel or what's actually "right". I will simply mention my research. I do apologize if the warning seems like a joke because, again, I am NOT someone mentally stable


Hi guys so I just want to say I will give a break over my researches (if there is people that accompany it) because of some irl problems so sorry


Morning everyone hope you all have a splendid day, please make sure to take care of yourself and try and have fun for the day (and pray no drama happens today)

LEO / AYIN 1727509675686

qotd number i forgot..

whats smth cool that u can do personally i can gleek on command i think thats a little funny

I somewhat know got to create sites, like command outside of sites. Why? Idk and I don't remember all I know is that out of nowhere I was helping a friend create they're own site and I was like "what the actual fuck"

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