and my third point and perhaps the most important one TO ME.... THE HAIR THE FUCKING HAIRRR. you were talking about kim seonho's styling, idk much about it but one of the reasons why ksoo went uber mega viral on no prepare is his whole look and i'm willing to BET!!!! that if he his was permed down or overstyled the way it's been SO many times since like the moon, the effect would not have been the same. how do you look at these (not even gonna hyperlink them they deserve to be posted in full glory) and then go hmmm nooooo STIFF = BETTER. aaaaaggGgggHHHHHH
the HAIR and the jackets are the main enemy i'm telling you!! and the shortness of the hair isn't an excuse
but anyway tbh idk anything about styling 🤣 i'd love to hear ppl's opinions on what they'd like to see though considering the contemporary discourse
idrk what other kind of jacket he could wear, idk about you guys' opinion on this, but here are some jacket looks i liked on him recently - although some are more overshirts than jackets ( crush concert, this very specific bloom look (bonus it's love rendition), bazaar 1, bazaar 2
the HAIR and the jackets are the main enemy i'm telling you!! and the shortness of the hair isn't an excuse
but anyway tbh idk anything about styling 🤣 i'd love to hear ppl's opinions on what they'd like to see though considering the contemporary discourse
hiii anon this seems to be working! i'm glad you can have convos with follow up answers on here just like on CC!
test 🤣🤣