

what the fuck am i supposed to put here

send shit bird

some fucking guy 1726969882494

Are people watching?

fuck if i know. who actually scrolls on this site anyway thats kind of loser activity

some fucking guy 1726969749599

When is this going to cross the line into sexual harassment.

i am pretty sure most people think it already is

some fucking guy 1726969726279

I'm rock hard.

i dont appreciate gay men in my inbox

some fucking guy 1726969655918

Yeah, totally.

youre clearly lying why havent you opened the door yet

some fucking guy 1726969483030

Depends on what.

i dunno have you gotten past the obstacle course yet. once you pass the trials its fair fuckin game

some fucking guy 1726969404284

Can I hit.

some fucking guy 1726969314675

You're fun.

yeah i know im pretty entertaining to be around

some fucking guy 1726969299562

I'm obsessed with you.

i wondered how long it would take to get this line that was pretty fucking fast

some fucking guy 1726969223631


this is the faggiest fucking behavior i have ever seen

some fucking guy 1726969162182

I'm refreshing this page every 5 seconds.

are you waiting for me to count you down or something

some fucking guy 1726969062887

I'm jerking off to you because I hate you.

some fucking guy 1726969043355

That didn't happen.

some fucking guy 1726969037903

That doesn't mean anything.

some fucking guy 1726968922363

I have never hated someone as much as you.

some fucking guy 1726968775082

I'm not a fag.

im not sure i believe you

some fucking guy 1726968732998

I can survive the axes. Is sex with you worth the axes?

thats for you to decide

some fucking guy 1726968660141

Don't spread lies, you fucking terror.

some fucking guy 1726968641460

Take that fag one down.

some fucking guy 1726968634623

stop stealing my jokes

who the hell are you

some fucking guy 1726968622415

Don't cockblock me with axes.

are you saying you cant survive the axes

some fucking guy 1726968487833

I'm a fag.

ok liberal

some fucking guy 1726968360767

I'm not a liberal.

how do i know youre not gonna perform any illegal transgender surgeries on me

some fucking guy 1726968317429

Have sex with me.

you havent solved any of my riddles. dont even get me started on the deadly contraptions that have yet to brutally axe murder you

some fucking guy 1726968290186

You're a little asshole.

youre a sensitive snowflake from the woke left

some fucking guy 0

i can hear you just fine along with the sweet beautiful sounds of "i forgot how to imagine things"

some fucking guy 1726967878189


was it locked or something whats stopping you from just appearing in front of me. it seems ive caught you in your web of lies you dirty liberal

some fucking guy 1726967752590

Stroking my shit thinking of you.

are you still outside my door

some fucking guy 1726967662871


they kill the beaver and scrape out all the gooey vanilla flavor from their weird beaver asshole glands and then they put it in your food

some fucking guy 1726967108377


hey did you know that some vanilla flavorings come from beaver assholes

some fucking guy 1726967044078

I'll turn off anonymous, buy you juice, and suck your dick if you tell me you love me.

some fucking guy 1726966997790

I'm stalking you.

is it really stalking if i can clearly hear your heavy breathing outside my door

some fucking guy 1726966988057

I'll turn off anonymous and buy you juice if you tell me you love me.

ill consider it

some fucking guy 1726966669038

I'll turn off anonymous if you tell me you love me.

hm i think i might need a little more convincing than that

some fucking guy 1726966650412

Tell me you love me, faggot.

why are you popping boners on my lawn

some fucking guy 1726966545935

Not at your window. I'm pressing my ear to your door and listening to do unspeakable shit.

howd you get in my house man this plot is shaping up to be thicker than a bitch on a pole

some fucking guy 1726966499666

hey man i bet im cooler than u

i seriously doubt that

some fucking guy 1726966411109

nya :3

some fucking guy 1726966385904

I'll pound your ass, in more ways than one.

hey can you stop salivating all over my window i just cleaned it yesterday

some fucking guy 1726966220015

Tell me you love me.

so whats it like outside my window

some fucking guy 1726966210864

Sphinxes tell riddles and are full of contraptions. You are like a Sphinx, but sexy.

are sphinxes not already sexy

some fucking guy 1726966137177


the term i prefer to use is "straight male"

some fucking guy 1726966106915

ngh… stokes it… heh, are you an omega by any chance?

no im dave

some fucking guy 1726966020022

Can you use your fucking brain.

is the sphinx ruse a distaction

some fucking guy 1726965805039

Riddles and puzzles, bro.

no im not the one whos supposed to be solving things come on

some fucking guy 1726965692786

You're like if a Sphinx was sexy.

i feel like this is implying something other than the fact that im sexy and im not sure what it is

some fucking guy 1726965301783

hey what the fuck is going on in here

i dont think i care for your tone

some fucking guy 1726965199676

Easy access.

dont let my complete lack of clothing fool you

you have to survive several deadly contraptions and answer a series of increasingly cryptic riddles to proceed

some fucking guy 1726964917560

Please strip for me. Please.

this is a very strange and presumably queer thing to ask me and quite frankly i am offended that you'd imply that im not already walking around buck fucking naked

some fucking guy 1726963591382

You're so fucking hot.

yeah i know im the sexiest man alive

some fucking guy 1726963583263

For me. Please.

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ok wait i think i need an actual warning or something i dont feel like getting banned. sex. funny. on my profile. thats really all there is to say i guess bird

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