

what the fuck am i supposed to put here

send shit bird

some fucking guy 1727047051720

would it be an insult to you if we insinuated that you were somehow related to a majestic stallion

god stop asking this

some fucking guy 1727046688723

That's a lie.

some fucking guy 1727046540482

All you do is lie, especially to me.

ive never lied in my entire life

some fucking guy 1727046249855

You need a stern talking to then, young man.

its not possible that youre getting all these untrue factoids from me because i have never said anything about anything ever

some fucking guy 1727046015119

You have had dreams with me in them.

where are you getting this info from i think someone needs to give them a stern talking to about misinformation

some fucking guy 1727045867341

You are in love with me.

keep dreaming dude

some fucking guy 1727045658553

Says you, to me.

ive said nothing of the sort to anyone

some fucking guy 1727045498367

You're a homosexual.

some fucking guy 1727042176897

I don't appreciate homosexuals thinking they can talk to me like that.

good thing im not a homosexual then

some fucking guy 1727037321349

I love you.

i dont appreciate homosexuals in my inbox

some fucking guy 1727034566473

Public fucking humiliation.

thats what you get

some fucking guy 1727033949228

Please ignore those.

its a little late for that

some fucking guy 1727033806352

I love you.

some fucking guy 1727033825896

Sugoi. How ironic. Totally a joke.

im loading a gun rn

some fucking guy 1727032628928

You love my feet, Dave.

no the fuck i do not

some fucking guy 1727031395705

You like my feet.

no i do not

some fucking guy 1727030747323

Do you like my foot.

please have mercy

some fucking guy 1727030632151

I still have my other leg.

you need that to stand up

some fucking guy 1727030492353

Alive and kickin'.

i wouldnt be too sure about the kicking part. didnt you just get an arrow to the knee

some fucking guy 1727030272446

...until I took an arrow to the knee.

and then you died

some fucking guy 1727030269880

I used to be gay...

but then something wild and crazy happened

some fucking guy 1727030124755

With what.

i was thinking something along the lines of a bow and arrow maybe

some fucking guy 1727030022064

You wouldn't shoot me.

not with bullets no

some fucking guy 1727028983476

My hallucinations are normal and I don't need a doctor.

i dont believe you

some fucking guy 1727028970649

Tch. I will be the most kawaii man in your inbox.

some fucking guy 1727028900317

My hallucinations are normal.

no they are not

some fucking guy 1727028863404

What if I went real queer. What if I started saying cutesy shit.

my asks are a strictly sugoi-free zone

some fucking guy 1727028803275

My hallucinations are only paranoid.

i dont think you should be having any sort of hallucinations please see a doctor

some fucking guy 1727028639919

I have seen photos.

i think you may be experiencing some form of visual hallucinations

some fucking guy 1727028403769

Putting on a skirt for another dude is gay.

i have no idea what you could possibly be referring to

some fucking guy 1727028060032

Not what you said last night.

i said absolutely nothing last night you are fucking delusional

some fucking guy 1727027983498

You tested the waters?

testing the waters is also gay and that would make me gay man. i dont like men ok

some fucking guy 1727027927089

Who gives a shit.

me i give a shit about being a hetero straight male

some fucking guy 1727027865403

Keep the socks off.

oh you WANT it to be gay? thats gay

some fucking guy 1727011697468

Kiss me.

sorry i cant find my socks anywhere youre gonna have to wait

some fucking guy 1727024302083

Can I turn on notifications for you? Need to stalk you efficiently.

why do you need to ask me

some fucking guy 1726986388824

hi whoever you are i don’t know !!! 😀😀

some fucking guy 1726979238658

whao durnk

fossikizzed Sorp durnk

some fucking guy 1726974606034

How in the grand hell am I a faggot. Tell me you love me.

youre begging me to be gay

some fucking guy 1726974462022

You're a faggot. Tell me you love me.

im not the faggot here

some fucking guy 1726973994995

I'm not a fag. Tell me you love me.

you are a fucking faggot

john 1726973167739

absolute freakfest happening in my timeline. came here to ask if you had a favorite film?

whoops my bad dogg. anyway not really i dont watch a lot of movies

some fucking guy 1726972995001


some fucking guy 1726971640107

It's a little good.

i do not wanna hear about goddamn yansim

some fucking guy 1726970535378

Just downloaded Yandere Simulator.

oh jesus christ that fucking game dont even

some fucking guy 1726970443732

Worth it. I'd huff that shit like paint thinner.

i dont know you seem unemployed to me

some fucking guy 1726970145264

Mail me your underwear.

youre gonna have to pay for the shipping costs

some fucking guy 1726970124439

Open the door.

open it yourself

some fucking guy 1726970016892

I'm not gay.

neither am i

some fucking guy 1726969994832

Touch my dick.

thats a little difficult to do behind a door but its not like that matters cause im not even gay

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ok wait i think i need an actual warning or something i dont feel like getting banned. sex. funny. on my profile. thats really all there is to say i guess bird

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