what the fuck am i supposed to put here
send shit
is he also old
honestly i think im going insane
get help.
say it to my face maybe ill think about it
You're cute.
youre gay
dave what if i touched you
i dont like that
[Insert majestic stallion question here.]
i should kill you
would it be an insult to you if we insinuated that you were somehow related to a majestic stallion
god stop asking this
That's a lie.
it is not
All you do is lie, especially to me.
ive never lied in my entire life
You need a stern talking to then, young man.
its not possible that youre getting all these untrue factoids from me because i have never said anything about anything ever
You have had dreams with me in them.
where are you getting this info from i think someone needs to give them a stern talking to about misinformation
You are in love with me.
keep dreaming dude
Says you, to me.
ive said nothing of the sort to anyone
You're a homosexual.
says who
I don't appreciate homosexuals thinking they can talk to me like that.
good thing im not a homosexual then
I love you.
i dont appreciate homosexuals in my inbox
Public fucking humiliation.
thats what you get
Please ignore those.
its a little late for that
I love you.
Sugoi. How ironic. Totally a joke.
im loading a gun rn
You love my feet, Dave.
no the fuck i do not
You like my feet.
no i do not
Do you like my foot.
please have mercy
I still have my other leg.
you need that to stand up
Alive and kickin'.
i wouldnt be too sure about the kicking part. didnt you just get an arrow to the knee