ah, alright. to give you a glimpse into this person, he's like a white, middle aged dentist. last time i tried to show an episode of star trek to him, it was just like something from deep space nine, which he ignored, heckled, and generally talked all the way through of. the olypmics were on, too, and he was (very likely) grumpy about having to watch some quirky old show from the ninties and not feats of athletic ability that have been topped years ago.
Maybe he'll respond to something newer and with a higher production value, like Star Trek (2009) or the first episode of Strange New Worlds.
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honestly it would probably be better to just go with what little context the movie gives or explain it to him if he asks
yeah maybe. i've always thought something like The Wrath of Kahn might work for him, due to it being a little more intense than your usual episode of star trek. granted, you'd need to get him caught up to speed with like a single episode of the original series, which i am sure he will hate deeply.