alex 🦷


questions & compliments


anonymous 1728701471454

i have a question!! how do you think the binsung dynamic changes when it's 3racha? chan's total willingness to both baby and be babied seems (to me, at least) make changbin more willing to treat jisung that way too? i would LOVE to hear your thoughts though!!

WAHHH GREAT QUESTION. i agree, re: babying and babied chan. i think chan really changes things between them. he makes binsung so much stickier than they are when it's just them. 3racha is really its own solar system in a way, right. all these inside jokes and established dynamics that feed off each other plus their aligned work flow and goals. binsung are way more bro-y and less careful with each other when chan is there -- like i think this is a more authentic peek into how they are with each other off camera than them interacting one-on-one, simply because chan alleviates the expectation and attention of any moment they're stuck in together. chan is SUCH a good temperature gauge because he can sort of... steer them at times. if jisung is going too hard, he can reel him in or if changbin is moody, he can tease him out of it. not that i think binsung are incapable of that on their own, but things are SOOO much more malleable with chan there.

changbin is way more willing to indulge chan than he is jisung, and jisung finds it really easy to be sincerely obsessed with chan in a way that he could never be with changbin simply because the embarrassment would kill him. i love love when binsung band together to tease chan. i think changbin is much more likely to following jisung's directive in a 3racha setting, like when jisung ropes him into messing with chan. changbin doesn't initiate a ton of that stuff, but he will go along with it, and that's such a sweet spot with both jisung and chan, they both really love when changbin plays along with them.

actually i just ran into this video because i'm rounding up all my binsung tweets, but during a stage game jisung gets annoyed because changbin can't guess what he's saying and he goes to jokingly choke changbin out, and changbin looks at CHAN who is sitting there watching them and smiles at HIM. like idk, it's like a electric circuit where the current has to go through all the parts to make a full loop, they're just in tune with each other in a way binsung on their own struggle to be.

as a trio they've really practiced and learned each other's boundaries so they can figure out their work and interpersonal flow, and i think that does bleed into binsung's dynamic as well because they understand the work they have to put into understanding each other and it's worth it to do that. it's just that binsung on their own have different approaches and expectations, but chan bridges that gap with his understanding of them both.

#binsung #3racha #meta
alex 🦷 1728703393656
anonymous 1728685026063

another person here to talk abt bnsng…. i also want to talk abt their pre debut days and jsng having a lot of respect and feeling very competitive towards chngbn, knowing how he used to be the best rapper in the company and then this guy shows up and he’s got better skills and better ways of approaching life and maybe he befriends ppl jsng had trouble getting close to and he gets through it all with ease and idk if i were him I’d let jealousy kill me tbh. but he didn’t, seeing chngbn like that made him want to work even more on his own craft and on his social skills and get better at things, chngbn really pushed him to be his better self

i do think within the idol system, there's an expectation that you won't always be the best and other people will have greater strengths than you, so i think jisung was prepared for that reality in some way hence not really being jealous, but the competitive nature of the system helped him focus in a specific way as he honed his skills. but then the flipside of being a creative genius was this like excruciating interpersonal dynamic he had with basically everyone sdklfj love his little anecdote in the jilix 2kr where he told felix he asked changbin how to talk to him because jisung didn't know where to begin.

i definitely think changbin has been an influence on jisung in all those ways, but i also think they're really different in the way they pursue things. part of jisung's arc has kind of been learning that. trying things different ways and learning what works for him, especially with self-discipline and, seemingly, his mental health.

i think a lot of my noodling relies heavily on assumption so you can disregard this but i personally love the idea that changbin "avoiding" jisung was him deciding that actually he couldn't help jisung or hold him to his standard and that created distance between them when maybe he was genuinely trying to mentor him before. but it's like SO much energy to pour into one guy when you have 6(/7) others that make the entire team. and in that time, changbin realized he wasn't really in a position to scold jisung and jisung chilled out a little more and figured out the dynamic he needed to have with others and that change kinda booted them into this fascinating space of closeness that they're navigating now 🧐

#binsung #meta
alex 🦷 1728687608657
anonymous 1728679986934

Different person about bnsvng. I have always thought that chnbn was way more socially adept than jsng, so a lot of early jsng's worst traits just made no sense to him. Jsng in the beginning was a scrappy, sensitive, insecure little guy puffing up his chest. But also talented. There is this episode that they talk about when they met, where some dance instructor asks them to rap battle and jisung "wins". and he was probably a little shit about it. I don't think chngbn understood jsng, and just thought he was an asshole. I think as the years have gone on, he has understood jsng better, but sometimes I think he still can't bring himself to baby jsng.

I think chngbn has always had what jsng wants friends and stability.

YEAH i totally agree about predebut and rookie years impacting their relationship, like changbin has talked at length about how he settled the dongsaengs fights for them and while the wording is vague but from what we have heard about their fights, i do assume that he's mostly talking about JISUNG'S fights. like it takes a lot to be the guy who is smoothing things out when jisung literally won't stop fighting with the others. i love changbin admitting that he lied to the members separately about the other person apologizing so they would stop being mad. at the end of the day, he's only a year older than these other boys LMFAO

another roman empire of mine is in their 2kr when they're talking about skinship and jisung wanting changbin's love where changbin is like "when i was avoiding you, you thought i hated you?" and that wording is really so important to me, like imagining a time where changbin was so genuinely fed up with jisung's shit that he was like idk you're not my responsibility so do your own thing, and then them having to navigate that "break" in their relationship and come back from it in a way that was genuine for them. i think jisung complaining in the 2020 varieties about changbin not giving him attention was his way to try to control changbin keeping his distance, but obviously i have no real concept of that timeline! just that they got infinitely hornier in 2021.

i LOVE how you said "can't bring himself to baby jisung" because i think that's such a huge part of how they interact with each other as well. i think changbin won't spoil jisung because jisung's ego and what changbin perceives as his ego. changbin has a hard time playing into it when jisung wants to be the center of attention and he has a habit of pulling away if jisung wants to rope him into fanservice. like part of changbin doesn't want to indulge jisung for his own reasons, and IT MAKES ME CRAZYYYYY LMAO actually that's one of my favorite things about them, because when they do play along and when they do something sweet or cute or horny it's like the ultimate indulgence and it makes them both smile so dopey and blush and be super weird like. that's beautiful. THE TENSION.

#binsung #meta
alex 🦷 1728681520191
anonymous 1728676778036

Why do you think jisvng is awkward with b!n? i think sometimes they're brotherly and other times it's something else 🤣

my real answer is that changbin is really cool and has his shit together professionally and is effortlessly confident in a way most people genuinely aren't, and i think jisung really admires those things about changbin and really wants changbin to reciprocate that admiration. basically jisung thinks changbin is COOL and wants changbin to think he's COOL too. and sometimes skinship is kinda cringe and being vulnerable is worse and they get weird about sincerity with each other, which makes things awkward. like if you don't know if it's serious or a joke... i think they're both REALLY aware of the other person's temper as well. it seems like they're pretty sensitive around each other, which adds to how hard it is to know how to approach each other.

i ALSO think there's a thing where changbin does consider his relationship with jisung fundamentally different from the relationships he has with the other dongsaengs. and i'm not sure if it's because they're in 3racha, or because he had to help jisung with his relationships with the others, or because he and jisung have fought before... but my biggest guess is their 3racha dynamic, and imo for changbin to not dote on jisung and not baby him as they work together in a professional sense and for the team, he has to remove jisung from the baby zone in his head. but i think jisung genuinely enjoys being in the baby zone. he's whined about changbin not doting on him SO many times. he enjoys being 3racha maknae. so it's like this fundamental difference in what they want from their relationship with each other in a way.

i think if they were actually brotherly, they would be able to figure it out easier LMAO like it wouldn't matter, there wouldn't be that tension. that's why chan can SAY "my little brother felix" but it means next to nothing in the grand scheme of chanlixisms, there's that ambiguous tension that keeps the ship intrigue. i feel that way about binsung, the fact that they can't figure out their easiest dynamic with each other and the fact that there's tension where they're constantly trying to navigate each other's reactions is deeply compelling to me.

also on a less serious note but as a shipper, OBVIOUSLY the reason they have such a hard time with skinship is that they're so insanely horny for each other, they have no idea how far they can let things get between them before it's too obvious that they want to turn each other inside out.

#binsung #meta
alex 🦷 1728678704646
anonymous 1728671354915

What's your bnsvng roman empire? Bonus points if it's not their hug lol

NOT THE HUG i'm cryinggg honestly the hug itself, as a singular event, is kind low on my binsung ranking simply because it was straight forward. there was cause for it, it was celebratory and something you would expect in that situation. but the hug's Impact, the Lore, the Meta... so meaningful that changbin would like... see jisung needing comfort and commit to it for SO long on stage just to soothe his precious dongsaeng. then it spawning an entire fundamental dynamic moment -- inspiring how we translate literally all their interactions... it's rare that ships have a singular moment of definition like that. not like the big bang, but like the first creature walking on land -- monumental and propelling us towards more complex arrangements...

like the FIRST thing i think of is that one 210809 live changbin did where he talked about jisung and their skinship -- of course that's inspired by the hug lore! but god he spent SO long how jisung was so cute all the time, and how he treated jisung cutely and would tickle his chin, AND how he actually did do more skinship with jisung, but jisung was the one who got flustered and wouldn't let him. then he realized that he still didn't try skinship with jisung as much as other members and he was like sorry hanie..........

it makes me crazy, especially from the angle of like... the skinship thing was such a set up for jisung just because he wanted to be the center of attention, and he wanted skinship publicly, and he wanted changbin to do it more -- but ultimately jisung wanted skinship because it translated something specific to the fans -- proof he is loved by this person. but when it came down to it changbin was like completely unwilling to do it publicly while jisung begged for it, but he DID do it privately and jisung couldn't handle it!! and like the... shrinking from it privately because it's harder to accept when it's actually just them makes me so fucking crazy. changbin admitting that he did it more so jisung wouldn't be as awkward. years later it's still a hurdle they haven't overcome because it was such a roadblock for so long.... the way their touch cannot be careless or thoughtless, but can be impulsive and impactful is like the CRUX of so much of their physical tension. even when they're trying to do something naturally, they are always weighing how it's been seen and viewed by others but ALSO how it's being interpreted by each other... RAAAAAH crazymaking!!!

#binsung #meta
alex 🦷 1728674158096

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