anonymous 1728679986934

Different person about bnsvng. I have always thought that chnbn was way more socially adept than jsng, so a lot of early jsng's worst traits just made no sense to him. Jsng in the beginning was a scrappy, sensitive, insecure little guy puffing up his chest. But also talented. There is this episode that they talk about when they met, where some dance instructor asks them to rap battle and jisung "wins". and he was probably a little shit about it. I don't think chngbn understood jsng, and just thought he was an asshole. I think as the years have gone on, he has understood jsng better, but sometimes I think he still can't bring himself to baby jsng.

I think chngbn has always had what jsng wants friends and stability.

YEAH i totally agree about predebut and rookie years impacting their relationship, like changbin has talked at length about how he settled the dongsaengs fights for them and while the wording is vague but from what we have heard about their fights, i do assume that he's mostly talking about JISUNG'S fights. like it takes a lot to be the guy who is smoothing things out when jisung literally won't stop fighting with the others. i love changbin admitting that he lied to the members separately about the other person apologizing so they would stop being mad. at the end of the day, he's only a year older than these other boys LMFAO

another roman empire of mine is in their 2kr when they're talking about skinship and jisung wanting changbin's love where changbin is like "when i was avoiding you, you thought i hated you?" and that wording is really so important to me, like imagining a time where changbin was so genuinely fed up with jisung's shit that he was like idk you're not my responsibility so do your own thing, and then them having to navigate that "break" in their relationship and come back from it in a way that was genuine for them. i think jisung complaining in the 2020 varieties about changbin not giving him attention was his way to try to control changbin keeping his distance, but obviously i have no real concept of that timeline! just that they got infinitely hornier in 2021.

i LOVE how you said "can't bring himself to baby jisung" because i think that's such a huge part of how they interact with each other as well. i think changbin won't spoil jisung because jisung's ego and what changbin perceives as his ego. changbin has a hard time playing into it when jisung wants to be the center of attention and he has a habit of pulling away if jisung wants to rope him into fanservice. like part of changbin doesn't want to indulge jisung for his own reasons, and IT MAKES ME CRAZYYYYY LMAO actually that's one of my favorite things about them, because when they do play along and when they do something sweet or cute or horny it's like the ultimate indulgence and it makes them both smile so dopey and blush and be super weird like. that's beautiful. THE TENSION.

#binsung #meta
alex 🦷 1728681520191


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