‿︵‿︵‿ Untimely Question !! ヾ(・ω・*)ノ
If you were transported into an object show , what object would you be ?
‿︵‿︵‿ Untimely Question !! ヾ(・ω・*)ノ
What's the silliest phase you went through when you were younger ?
‿︵‿︵‿ Untimely Question !! ヾ(・ω・*)ノ
What games are you looking forward to playing when they officially come out ?
QOTWhatever : ☆
If you could go see any artist in concert, living or dead, who would you go see ?
QOTWhatever : ☆
Favorite silly animal ?
𖦹 QOTWhatever :
Which fictional character(s) do you admire or look up to and why? <||>✚<||>
QOTWhatever: ☆
If you could describe yourself with a song title, what would it be?
( Asker's Note : I am very tired today, but I do appreciate any interaction I can get )
QOTWhatever : ☆
Do you have a favorite board game/card game ? If so, what is it ?
( Asker's Note : Neospring game night when )