anonymous 1723757211427

are your PCs all from the same world or do they all have their own? (if that makes sense at all…)

it makes sense! theyre all in the same world yeah! i like to think its a big friendgroup. akari has to drag pctan along with the group, and kylar ends up following along because of it. most of them think hes weird, but akari thinks hes nice! akari and pctan have been friends since they were little, with pctan being much more friendly as a kid than now. harley doesnt get to see them all very often but he tries to hang out whenever he can :)! qìn rú is the one that plans things if the group wants to do something that would require setting something up... like a beach day or a sleepover. akari pays for all of it, and pctan.. still has to get dragged along. if pctan isnt coming along, kylar isnt either it sounds like...


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