Are you ok with the future Splatoon games be spin offs from the main series to explore the worldbuilding of Splatoon franchise should Nintendo go for that route similar to Pokemon legends series?
i’ve talked about it a lot during streams and random tweets but YES I wouldn’t mind a spinoff before we move to splatoon 4! feels like if we were still in the 3DS era we might have potentially seen one sooner. but the Legends example actually works well for plot points like the great turf war or even seeing different points in the idols lives through taking an entirely new role outside of being an agent. i got really excited to find out what comes after the Squidbeak splatoon because at this point it might be holding the Squid Sisters back after Splatoon 3 and even the devs realize that. this story element would serve as a good homage to Splat1 but the third time would HAVE to be the charm.