anonymous 1731374126747

hiya!! sorry to ask but do you have like, a waiting time for when offers are open? i'm sorry to bug i'm just super excited to offer because you have amazing urls!!

Hello dearest Anonoomf! I uh... do not. My apologies. My laptop is being fixed right now and I'd prefer to release my trading page (and my commission page) once I'm finished with my reworks as more people will come to my sites to look at the reworks and potentially go to those pages. Please stay patient...! (,,> á´— <,,)

For now, you mayest view my guidelines page to get a rough idea of what to expect: /Cells. Please note that my trading system will be a bit different this time as I'll have a new method set up that doesn't require me to make a list of my URLs. It'd be: find my URL, check the edit page to see if I'm willing to trade it, and then contact me if I am.

Langxi!! 1731592187437


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