You guys do realize you can get in trouble if ur caught trying to buy/sell/trade usernames on this site right? 😭😭😭 we aren’t stupid

people are so greedy they'll be like "fuck capitalism" then do shit like this. dawg what. rentry community is kind of fake ngl like there's SOME decent people but most of it's just performative


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ok sorry I misspoke it's not like y'all are bad people... just. irresponsible with your money. it's not like I'm not greedy I like having cute urls and usernames too but selling and buying them for hundreds of dollars is insane. I've seen some people like "$x00 for /urlhere" bro if you have that much money go to /yabujin and donate to palestine what r u doing. why are you giving your money to some rando for something you won't even care about in a few years?? you could invest in a new hobby or buy a figurine or something why a pastebin URL????

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