anonymous 1732546351953

I wanna be hypnotized by you but don't know how to ask

This is probably one of the most common struggles in these circles, isn't it?

In my case, all you gotta do is let me know you'd like to be hypnotized sometime. I do get busy, especially around this time of year, so be fair if I say no. But don't take that as a "NO NEVER!" life's just unfair and won't let me brainwash the masses.

But yeah, just approach me, lemme know you're interested and tell me what you like (drones, brainwash, corruption, spirals, etc.) If you'd wanna start with a simple/small session, and if you'd like to try text or voice.

Above all else, please just respect my time and that I'm also a person. I'm not gonna zonk you like every single day or once every week. But don't be afraid to ask and try to work out a time with me, yeah? I'm not gonna get mad or be bothered by you if you simply ask. Relax, my orders :P

Indigo 1732558293202


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