Vivienne 1726954919515

🐾 ◞ 🌑◞ & 🕳 !!!

🐾 - I'm blanking on this one but did you know that such thing as a triple edged blade exists and that it is banned by the Geneva Convention 🌑 - Crosses by José González, it's where the text above my asks came from 🕳️ - Uhm. Simon Riley headcanon that while everyone says he's such a terrible driver, he's actually really good at it. Been driving since 17 but just pretends to be awful at driving so he doesn't get stuck as the designated driver on a night out (nobody particularly fancies his method of taking speed bumps like air time ramps while drunk). Literally gets into a manual car when in front of his team and is like "what the fuck is this extra pedal for" when the back of his licence is probably completely full with all the dates he completed his tests for every vehicle he could. Drives a nice older BMW as well just to seal the deal

✦,RUDY ┄ 🐾 1726955400062


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