anonymous 1728528359702

hi anna!! i love ur writing!! i’ve been rereading rep (i love themmmm!!), and i started wondering - are there any scenes thatve happened in rep that you would enjoy/have thought about writing in jungkooks pov?

hi!! one that comes to mind is when taehyung's meeting jk's parents for the first time! that whole thing was such an /oh/ moment for jeongguk 🥹

i think i asked this before but does anyone have any scenes in mind they'd wanna read from jk's pov? 👀

anna :) 1728539240501
anonymous 1728541425411

ahh yes omg it was literally that scene that inspired me to ask that question because i could just tell taehyung meeting his parents rlly shifted something in him🥹🥹 they’re the cutest. i think another scene i was thinking abt in jks pov was when they watched titanic! so cute and so much tensión omg. or whenever he tells tae about anything aerin related? i know hes made his feelings abt her clear, but it would def be interesting to see what he makes of tae’s reactions in his head :> omg sorry i rambled so much,, thank u for reading this anna~~

ahh bless you and don't apologize!! i'll ramble right back :D

i honestly think his thoughts during the titanic date are much calmer than taehyung's and much less ohymgodohmygodohmygod because this guy just thriiiives in date-situations. or any kind of romantic setup. plus the fact that he just won a game AND they're watching his favorite movie AND he's just overall super comfortable around taehyung? this man was living his best life.

i'm dyinggg to get into the whole aerin thing. jeongguk definitely made his stance on the whole thing clear, but it's definitely not as easy as he puts it. like, that guy went to therapy to get over that break up, so he definitely has learned how to cope and rationalize his feelings in a healthy manner and how to understand him (aka just because he's still sad about the break up happening sometimes, that doesn't mean he still loves her or that he wants their relationship back, even though it might traitorously feel like that sometimes). but then when it's situation like when she reaches out to contact him after a year of radio silence or they meet up or talk on the phone or stuff like that, of course that's a little messy on the heart. i think whenever there's an instance where taehyung gets jealous jeongguk just finds it kinda endearing because taehyung gets all pouty and kinda possessive (also he finds it genuinely a little laughable because there's literally no reason to be jealous. jeongguk's not going anywhere why would he look at other people when taehyung is right there) but when it's about aerin it's different. because there's this emotional component and i think it's just really important to him to make it abundantly clear to taehyung that he is over his ex because he doesn't want that to stand between them

ok sorry for going all captain yap on you 😭 maybe i'll write stuff from jk's pov at some point down the line but until then i'm very happy to give bts info!!

anna :) 1728544799472


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