little rant!.!!!: i used to play roblox but i quit last year because of toxic ppl nd it was getting boring.,,.,. when i was young i REALLY loved this one game (still my favourite now but no one bloody plays it anymore!.!!! D:) called super hero life 2 nd i used to always rp as my superhero ocs,.,.,. my main one was called JENICA NIGHTWIND aka STARCRUSHER nd she had space/galaxy powers ,.., i also loved meepcity i had plus nd would GRIND making cool houses,.,. no one came to my parties :C ,.,. nd yeah you guys know how meepcity turned REALLY WEIRD,.,,,.,.,. horrible flashbacks of accidentally going to,.,. the fucking NSFW parties,.,.,.,. nd the other game i always played was royale high nd i WAS really rich until every started getting expensiver nd toxic-er,.,.,. nd well..,,. I FEEL LIKE ROLEPLAY GAMES HAVE KIND OF DIED,.,., they're not like how they used to be :( sobs


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