All emojis for the ask game! Chop chop, squire!! /silly


01 fun fact: ki have an entiwre arwmy of penguin plushiez they can’t even fit awll on mai bed TT 。。THEY ARE ALL TWAPPED IN BAGGSS IN MWY CLOSET 💔💔💔 02 one f/o of urs : one of mwy f/os is homura frwom PMMM (madoka magica!!) I LOVE HYR SO MUCH WASAHGGYRHGRHFJSKKDKS

03 one fav ship: I LUBBBBB mafuena so much they make mwe happie 、、 che loves their dynamic n evewrything!!i also love them bcuz they remind of mwe and my WIFE!!

04 one name: ai hab a BUNCHH of names in mwy name hoard but one of mwy purrsonal faves are Belial ! ki got it from scara fwrom genshin bcuz i found some beings call wanderwer that bcuz of its origins。。

05 kin: one of mwy kins is ei from genshin!!she is mwe and ki am hwer truussTTT !!

06 faves: one of mwy fav characters have 02 be klee !her pwaystyle is clunky but she was mai first main ever。SHES EVEN TRWIPLE CWROWNED!!anywayys shes so silly ki love her but shes so squishie she always dies first in spiwral。。


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