Have Ridley's friends put any restrictions or set any boundaries when it comes to his drug problems? How do they generally deal with it?
Yes! Becca & Remy, out of Ridley's friend group are the two he's closest to. They both, at separate times have conversations with Ridley about his drug habits. Ridley eventually asks them to help him moderate his substance use.
-Tobacco is the only one he continues about the same use with, as that's his compromise with him. He can moderate the rest of it it, but for now he's gotta have something. -Marijuana becomes an 'only with other people' activity. -Alcohol is a social think and he's only allowed one beverage. -He stops doing other, harder drugs like ketamine and ecstasy.
Ridley struggles with addiction his whole life, with the big three (alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana) sticking around for life. He gets a lot better and it's due in large part to the care Becca and Remy had for him. He genuinely believes he would've died without them and I find it hard to disagree with him.