anonymous 1728953592030

hello mika!! i have a few questions about the dorms (i hope this isn't too bothersome, also sorry if any of this is clearly stated anywhere, i haven't read all the stories yet):

do we know how much time passed between when alkakurei officially moved into the dorms and when everybody else moved in?

i remember reading a story where i think koga and ritsu were talking about how rei had already moved into the dorms, so i've been wondering if it was initially just the characters who graduated that year that moved into the dorms first (like rei, kaoru, keito, eichi, etc)? and if so, when did the others (aside from alkakurei) start moving in then? and were the roommate assignments done right away, or only later when more of them started moving in?

i'm really curious if characters like madara and wataru or rei and eichi have been roommates from the start, or if that was only established at a later time. also do we actually know who did the roommate assignments? i've seen several fanfics mention that it was keito who assigned them (randomly) but i don't know if that's actually true or just a popular hc.

thank you so much for taking the time to respond to stuff like this!!

oh this is an interesting question... put my research boots on for this one. i'm actually not too sure, though! i know they all moved in at different times, whether they're graduates or not, though. for example when tori and yuzuru moved in, midori and sora had already moved in at the time.

i don't recall if it's ever been stated if graduates moved in first or not; it is an idea that's intriguing though! i'm just not sure if it holds any water.

alkakurei iirc were allowed to move in to the main dorms following the events of the main story! so sometime during the summer.

mika moved in later than the others after his lease for his apartment was terminated, following the events of Neverland. Neverland happened before the events of Beast Survival, but i don't remember if it was before or after the main story conclusion.

jun moved in a bit later (likely alongside kohaku), at around the time of Beast Survival.

during the initial move-in period, where everyone's slowly moving into the dorms though, i don't think it was ever detailed if the arrangements were decided as people moved in or not. however, i know for the dorms, they want the ES idols to live at the dorms, and therefore everyone gets a room, and is expected to a degree to live there, but they are not forced to. which might explain how (if i remember correctly?) ritsu had a room all to himself despite mika being having an apartment; he might've been roomed with him the entire time, but mika chose to live elsewhere.

as for assignments, i don't think it's ever been explicitly stated! most people assume it's been randomized. but, i also recall keito saying something like to come to him if there's any issues with roommates, and might've implied that he has control to change dorm assignments maybe? but i can't find the source of this for the life of me so take that with a grain of salt! but it might have contributed to the headcanon that he was in charge of room assignments.

mika_enstars 1728953601947


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