anonymous 1727708884021

damn it's all cooked meat bro. like i wont be surprised if more than half of the debut group at the end will consist of cooked meat. on one hand yeah i feel bad for them (like hangyul or the ex-ixform members) who have to try and try again all this time but on the other hand aren't they having too much experience/fandom power in comparison to the fresh meat? i have some complex feeling about this but ultimately if they debut they debut, i'm not gonna hold their experience against them. i guess seeing how the industry goes many kids these days dont wanna be idols anymore lol. why risk having ssf or injuring yourself while you can tryna be an influencer or streamer or summ. at least if those careers dont work out they wont be in hella debt right. anw gluck for those who choose to stay... this industry esp in korea is getting harder and harder for those who dont come from big companies

it's so overcooked in hereee but yea it's definitely hard for fresh meat to have a chance unless the producers love them and give them an angel edit, oh actually u do bring a good point about pivoting to influencer or streamer but the way i saw "influencers" participating in qcyn i'm like dawg what are you doing here

wenhan 1727751090623


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