anonymous 1728679463040

hi seine i saw your tweets abt imas fandom and i agree..... even if you never do imas stuff again i would love to see any kind of translation for any of the older main game content because there is a huge lack of it which is understandable but still annoying. i've dug through soooo many archives and it's just sad to see how most translation efforts for the console games have remained unfinished/inactive. omg sorry for ranting i'm really passionate about imas just wanted to tell you i feel the struggle with being part of the fandom minority (ie being really invested in the stories). i love your work tho!!!

Honestly given how old Imas is I'm seriously shocked at how little AS stuff got translated... it really feels as if this fandom just never... had a translation community dedicated to it??? (It's also SUPER weird to me how dead the fandom for it feels but fandom in general really is just moving away from appreciating oldschool content in favor of new shiny things... really I'd be happy to just talk about Imas1/2 forever if people would listen, and I did do this for a long time...) Like seriously, Chihaya's such a famous character when I saw how much untranslated content she had my jaw actually dropped. It's nice that there's translators for the other branches but in a way it kind of makes me even more upset because it just further highlights how little people seem to value AS content being translated, despite the fact it's the best, most nuanced content that will ever come out of this franchise imho. So trust me, as a translator myself I'm right there with you! I wouldn't say there's no chance I'll ever get to working on Imas1/2 stuff (at least for Chihaya), I just definitely want a break from translating for Imas for a while. I genuinely think Chihaya's going to haunt me for the rest of my life so there's definitely a chance I'll get a very very strong urge to return and tackle it, it's just a matter of time. When my inspiration strikes again, console game stuff is at the top of the list. Thank you for sending this though! It's genuinely really nice to hear that there's someone out there who's interested in that kind of content still :') I'd still be interested in talking about Imas stuff in here (especially AS/Julia/Shizuka and especially the writing) even if I don't go out of my way to tweet about for the foreseeable future

Seine 1728698571200


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