anonymous 1727048219461

Since this is blank I will use it to tell about a small part of my story. I have a lot of what you would call "dad lore" so if you want to hear I'm always open to tell :3

When I was younger I was a very very lonely child, not like depressed level but just lonely. I never had any hobbies, I used to stay in the day care until it was 10 pm, my mom was always at work and my father never at home because of work as well. So I always used to stay home. That was until one day I dad came back from a another job work and decided to take me to a diferent place, I still don't know what the name is, but all I know that at first glance it was terrifying. The entrance had angels decoration, it had a lot of tables with things selling foods and products. It was a very lively place, and hell I was terrified! I only used to know my home and the daycare, so seeing a diferent place was scary. That was until he took me to sit in one of those plastic chairs. I was so so confused over why we had to sit on the middle of the place, I was questioning if my father had took me to be sacrificed or something. That was until 4 man came in with instruments in they're hand, at the time I didn't know what that was so I though it was some futuristic technological thing. If you ask me what we're they doing, that was a rock indie band but younger me didn't even know what even a band was. IF I TOLD YOU I WAS BREATH TAKEN WHEN THEY STARTED PLAYING! My eyes went back and forth on each of them, at a point I was even standing up from my seat to see them present. When they finished playing I was tugging at my father's sleave and saying "when i become a cool person, I would become like them". All he did was laugh ofc, at the time I didn't understand why he would just laugh if UT was one of the most amazing things I ever saw in my life. After that day I was so obsessed with the idea of band, I used to only talk about it and only play with friends about it. Only this year I was able to have my hands on a instrument, but really that's the lore of how I become a lover for music and bands and how that changed my life ^^


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