anonymous 1725677864365

It’s not ableist to mention how he’s literally npd centeral. what about this NARCie is redeemable in the slightest???? Excuse me? 😭? Ask for your shit back lmao.

He’s not a good person, cut it out. Literally name 5 good things he’s done to you./ for you. I seriously want a list of good qualities because he’s awful.

narcie is wild youre just proving my point

  1. freely gave me urls 2. makes me graphics 3. is there for me whenever I want to talk to him about something 4. hypes up my graphics/art 5. gives me suggestions 6. allows me to be more confrontational if he oversteps my boundaries 7. holds me accountable if I do anything out of line but doesn't make it drama 8. is fun to talk to


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