anonymous 1732141177960

What's the ideal outfit for an evil business woman, in as much detail as possible?

Hmm... That entirely depends on what sort of vibe she's going for. Pantsuits or skirts can work equally well, though the skirt has a more feminine flair. Heels are by no means necessary, but can be a useful tool - Pinning a grovelling underling's head down has far more impact with the tip of a heel than a pair of loafers, after all. It's important to have severe colours - Blacks, greys, though sometimes something like a dark red can work too. Nothing too flashy. Bright colours draw the eye, but they do not command a room.

Perhaps more than anything else, it's about HOW it's worn. It's important for everything to be perfect, just as it's meant to be, without a single crease nor a stitch out of place. Self-discipline is of vital importance in setting a standard for employees, and it would be impossible for them to take an evil business woman seriously if she looks sloppy.

And big shoulderpads on the jacket. Pointy. Pointing upwards a little, if at all possible. A little 80s, but it has a distinctly evil look.

rubyroberts 1732143941961

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