anonymous 1728176395811

renjun fat ugly fuck hope he injects the filler out his face when he comes back so he won’t look like one of them gangnam ahjummas

i agree he looks a puffy booboo mess i miss his old face so bad

kara 1728176848774


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and jm is the most talentless & lazy idol🥺

anonymous 1728233646732

Jaemin literally look like ugly clown with his 10000layers of filter on his fucking face Ewwww

anonymous 1728212608741

Jaemin is the most talentless idol which known as idol who use most filters and use his friend to queerbaiting because he dont have any talent to show up 🥺🥺 fuck jaemin and jaemin fans 😹

anonymous 1728206171707

Jaemin is the idol with most filter users, he is not talented and also the best gay specialist throughout his career

anonymous 1728204243067

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