anonymous 1733214889400

RIP because we know in advance in what categories each member is gonna be underrepresented😟 Not a jab towards you or anyone's reading some things just remain same in bts fics


yeah absolutely!! i can tell you right now there's a perilous lack of bottom namjoon in my readings. i think some buck the trends though -- bottom hobi is higher-ranked than top hobi, and top jimin is higher than bottom jimin, for example, which i think is not in line with the broader ao3 tag trends! i'm sure some of it depends on ship, and also for any member that's not hobi/jungkook/namjoon i'm gonna have less data just because of the ships i read a lot of (all my top 10 most-read ships feature hobi or jungkook as half the pairing), so they're gonna be more vulnerable to skew.

#fic stats
clarz 1733215730293


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