anonymous 1728493049234

second half should be rei LET HER BE CUTE!!! wataru would be cute too but i'm also still hoping for ultissimo cross scout...

also the AAAA between watakei on the ship chart is really funny. that's watakei in every universe

OOOOH REI COULD BE CUTE. i would be sooo happy about wataru in this but since its called "cat" and kanatas "fish" which is a very direct animal reference surely itll be like a very obvious pick... still. id be happy with a wataru 4*. or even a 3*. plsplsplsplsplspls. part of this is also just REALLY hoping for this to be another eccentric.

GOD i have like a long essay about watakei that i didnt feel like handwriting in, but its very much like wataru thinks its fun to bother keito (and yknow. i think part of that IS like informed by jealousy, both of the childhood friendship and the like ease with which keito and eichi seem to Get each other). and i feel like keitos feelings are more complicated than that. like if i had to say only one of them has a crush on the other i want to say keito is the one who has a crush on wataru so bad. and wataru is entirely unaware. basing this on amazing voyage or w/e its called (the 2nd anni global story)

maskspurpose 1728495756062


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