Do you like any fighting games besides rivals of aether? And if so is there anything you wish rivals did differently or is there any feature you'd hope to see in future fighting games in general?
I enjoy Super Smash Bros a lot. Generally, though, fighting games aren't my thing because of the competitive pitfalls they lean into. If you don't have someone to enjoy playing a game with, it's just a frustrating skill ceiling to self-learn and it sucks and is miserable. I vastly enjoy Smash and Rivals as more casual multiplayer hang-outs than actual fighting games as a result. To that extent, I PERSONALLY would get more out of games like Rivals with more robust single-player content, a la Subspace Emissary, but I also understand that it's a niche game in a niche series made on a smaller budget, they're not going to and SHOULDN'T cater to everyone. Their intent is a competitive fighting game, I'm not their target audience, and if there's any lesson to take from shit like Pikmin 4, it's that the more accessible something becomes, the more its identity is irreversibly stripped away until you're playing an undead facsimile of what you once enjoyed.