anonymous 1733821499553

i love u and your chansung (like actually specifically YOURS there's just something about the way you portray them... immaculate) but as a minchanner at heart seeing them so low on your list kinda hurts ã… ã…  only because i was lowkey hoping for maybe a tiny little minchan fic from you sometime

agh thank u so much ㅠㅠ and angel please dw about something as silly as a ship tier! i am a multishipper and have written ships i dont see romantically and ships i dont even like! i have also written multiple ships in the "man i think it depends" tier and not written so many for the ones i love and like. i would not say i will never write minchan, and i have enjoyed a lot of minchan fics and have a lot of minchan friends. i would love to explore a lot of ships in fic and this is one of those so please dw abt that 😔🥺

prism 1733826879450


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