anonymous 1728962036317

weird question maybe ?? idk it's not intended to be weird but feel free to ignore regardless. anyway how did you realize u were objectum ?? i processed a bit ago i Miiiight be objectum but im not really sure so any pointers/advice would b appreciated. a few very specific objects make me consider it so idk if that'd even "count" as me actually being objectum??

Not weird at all, don't worry! I found out I was objectum mainly because I was attached to one of my instruments in a way that might seem "weird" to others, and once I looked into it, I was like "Oh... hrm, that's me!" If you have a profound connection with those objects and/or things, you might be! Again, objectum relationships don't have to be primarily romantic or sexual, and can always be platonic or queerplatonic! My advice is to find a label that works for you, there's plenty under the objectum umbrella if you're looking for the right term for you. This rentry (link) is a great resource for different orientations and such, as well as specific terms for specific objects and more!

Best of luck to you, anon, and I hope you figure it all out!


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