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#002 , 29 / 9 / 2024 : QUESTION OF THE DAY

-- What is the most meaningful item you possess? How long have you had it for and why is it so special to you?

( Current Theme : General Questions. )


alelex 1727873816360

Honestly I would say my phone, I know it sounds generic but hear me out. I never learned how to study nore read books, when I found out I could do research and study by the phone I was more shocked then anything. It was a birthday gift and even if it's like not a new brand phone it's honestly my most treasured thing

twilight 1727843652484

It's my 3ds new xl for sure. I've had it since 2nd grade (?) and I've kept it in almost perfect condition. There's a small dent on the hinge, but that's all, everything else is as good as new. It means a lot to me, my mother spent a lot of money on it for me during a time when we didn't have a lot. I don't exactly like my mother, however, this 3ds meant a lot to me. I've spent countless hours on Pokemon Moon and a few other games. It's the first and only console from Nintendo I've ever owned as well. I'm currently using it right now actually! The internet browser works to this day, allowing me to listen/watch to whatever I want online. I'm listening to a playlist while I type this answer up.


I have a little valentines gift from one of my irls form like last year I think ? It was platonic and mutual she gave me a really silly envelope thingy and I have her a list on how much I appreciate her and Reasons to live


i have a plush made of terry cloth whos name is florrie and i have had her for 19 years! she is specual to me bc as an Infant i really enjoyed her texture so i would take her everywhere with me and as a result i became rlly attached to her. nowadays i keep her in my room but i still love the texture of terry cloth so shes still very special! :>

maxine / ethan 1727701390961

ethan winters plush... seems silly considering i own a whole drawing tablet that costed hella lot of money. but like... its ethan..........


Thinking about it hard, even with all of the strange trinkets I got that I deem to be lucky or special for superstitious reasons (stuff I found like coins, random metal objects, rocks, crystals...), I think it's actually this mediocrely made notebook I made once when I used to be in a bookbinding class.

I cut out doodles I made that I love (though if I showed y'all, it'd be cringey) and glue them in into the book. I kinda just add some sigils to it too, mostly for protection. Had it for 2 years!

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