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For now I won’t call it a question or the day or anything since I’m unsure how consistent I’ll be. But for a first question… only children, do you wish for siblings? Those with siblings, do you wish you were an only child? just an interesting topic



HELL NAH. My dad is already like a sibling for me and that’s enough

Sometimes I do wish for siblings, but I think I really just want close friends. I wouldn't wish for any child to go through what I did. 🐈

I'm an only child and I do sometimes wish I had an older sibling to teach me how a part of the world works 😞 but seeing how some siblings treat each other I don't think me and my non existent siblings will even get along

Personally, I do have siblings, and I’m almost entirely neutral about it. They aren’t perfect, nobody is, and we’re all at different walks of life at the moment; there’s simply not much to talk about with them. I don’t think I’d ever wish them out of my life, despite the difficulties we may have sometimes. Additionally, though, there’s a lot of nuance for me, because of the way my system is structured, with a lot of us considering each other sisters that we never got to have. I don’t think I could have that experience if not for the siblings I do have.

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