When people treat discourse as a competition for the singular attention of all humans, and say "how dare you think about [thing] when [worse thing] is happening?"
how about this: lots of things matter, the world's problems are connected, and different people are excited about different things. let's each deal with the areas that call to each of us and work together to solve all of our problems.
When people put paper plates on glass plates. the sound it makes kills my ears it should be a torture method, i would rather listen to someone throwing up
when colors dont match! i genuinely get mad seeing themes or rentries with unmatching colors! neon orange and highlighter yellow arent a good combo! overly neon colors tend to just generally annoy me though
when people especially english teachers mess up forget and forgot
people who unironically say shit like "womp womp". especially when someone is actually trying to be serious LOL
When people keep asking me what time is it, i don't know either
ok wait i def have a few one specific one is when i ask whats rhe time, someone says “noon” or whatever, or like when i say “how long till blahblah?” they say not too long like bro i want the exwct minute/hour
When people don't pick up their dog's poop.