wiltshire 1726651218685

This is more information on Vincent, specifically what he did to me / Elysia.

Yes, I am the Elysia in the doc. I faked my suicide because of his harassment and he had contact with my father, who was/is(?) a cultist. He could have put me in serious danger.

Trigger warning for everything bad in the book in these screenshots. Do not support him. He is a rapist & a general freak. If you can, please report him to the police.

https://postimg.cc/gallery/4f0Qwm4 https://postimg.cc/gallery/4494HFF



boost! dont let that bitch leave a victim silenced

what happened to the image? its not loading for me...

putting this on my profile as well so more people see

Listen to Elysia's story, hear his voice. Do not let Vincent silent him again.

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