Green apples, to me they’re more sour and red apples are more sweet, It doesn’t matter which one I’m eating but I prefer green apples
If I had to pick, green cause they are sweeter :P yellow isn’t in here but yellow apples are yummy too. Also did you know that purple apples exist? Haven’t tried one ofc but they look tasty 😋
secret third option: none okay I don't really like apples they just have an odd texture imo but if I REALLY had to, probably red ones
green apples, for the stronger flavor
depends on the specific cultivar, but overall I would say red ones are better
GREEN!!!! i'm eating a green apple rn they've always been my favorite and i love sour stuff :3
Green for sure, i love sour crunchy always have
Red apples. I have the worst tolerance for sour things...
i perfer both :D
Green. You either go sour or you go home for me. It wouldn't be interesting enough if it was red, but I think I dislike yellow apples more than red ones.
red apples!!!!
I like red apples heh