rene 1724613783087

QotD】┈ sorry for my absence! what would you say is your most obscure interest? 🌐



bloopermarket... i love bloopermarket

Devil’s candy 😭 OFF (game) too maybe but there’s still fans around

You already saw me answer this on RS but I’ll take the chance to mention Mamiya whenever I can.. ( ◠‿◠ )!

Stellar paradigm. I rarely see people know dasu

undertale 2 probably? it has like. under 10k downloads

teisatsu and 404shinigami probably, there's a lot of games i love that are pretty obscure so there's that
a pretty obscure manga that me and friend read and i so far only got two other people to read is a second goodbye to you, i love asgbty i love sorahina they need so many hugs urhgdkjfdkf (if you like the summer hikaru died and/or boy meets maria you might like asgbty, i'd say it gives the same vibes. it's basically about two boys in an art club, they separate after graduating and one of them dies, then the other time travels to save him, figure out the mystery behind his last painting, and more, which might spoil it so uhm someone please go check it out and tell me your thoughts me and my friend will appreciate you forever for giving our boys some recognition)

hbo's the pacific, maybe just hbowar in general

Organization, it's literally one of my special interests. It's so fun but it also sucks when I organize because I can't do anything else while I do so I can get my ideas out

hard to measure obscurity, so I'll give a few answers that I'm fairly sure are more obscure than the majority of replies to this post:

the record labels Moatun 7, DiN, and Ilian Tape

the comedy troupe LoadingReadyRun

some open-source games, like SuperTux and Xonotic

cooking mama & moshi monster were long term ones of mine ,, I'd suppose !! really any silly ds game caught my eye too eugh.. :)

Probably moshi monsters and pirate101, they aren’t insanely obscure but I don’t really know a lot of people who play them anymore

My most obsecure next to bust-a-groove would probably be U.B.Funkeys, as some people do remember it just it isn't discussed about as much anymore... I have an emulated version of the game and love to play on it time to time, it's so silly and has funny plotlines! ♫꒰・‿・๑꒱

I'd say Fear and Hunger because of the plot! It's an amazing game and I do recommend it, but there's a lot of explicit themes on it ^^

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