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She hasn't posted him for years but nice try

Until you have something to actually say, stop replying with your redundant, yawn-inducing he's not obsessed with her, he doesn't want her etc you just waste everyone's time and it's annoying reading the same three meaningless sentences from you every single time

I know you dumber than fuck so I'll give you an example of what I mean, see how I don't just say "he doesn't like Taylor" "they're not friends" etc? I actually give reasons to back up what I say like all those things I listed above

And for the last time, YOU are the only one who thinks you know more than everyone, meanwhile everyone sees very clearly how they don't hang out socially ever, how he made her upset that she turned around and walked out the room, heard her literally say she was asking for weeks to spend the day with him which means they don't do that anymore

Where is this great friendship happening? Looks like you're "making things up in your head" 🤡

anonymous 1732643292208

Nobody sees what you’re talking about everyone is just trolling you dumb fuck and look at you saying the same shit over again repeating yourself, I didn’t think it was possible for someone to be this dumb lmao 🤡

anonymous 1732645051243


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Nobody sees what I'm talking about? Everybody sees because these aren't my interpretations or opinions you dumb bitch, THEY'RE FACTS, literal words out of their own mouth and actions like not hanging out socially ever you know like friends do? It's really that simple

Funny how nobody can answer me how Davd and Taylor are great friends, if it was so great it'd be easy as hell to answer

anonymous 1732651167126

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