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It was Monday period, you said it was the same day at first now you're saying it was the next day clown ass bitch you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about and when I called you out and explained the timeline now you're saying something different

She gains nothing, whether she said I'm sick or left that out, makes absolutely zero difference to anything, literally zero

anonymous 1732147019945

It wasn’t Monday, it was Friday it’s the same day Taylor and David went to the mall to fix her computer, you’re the one who has no idea what they’re talking and that’s a fact, the timeline you’re trying to explain is wrong and you’re purposely changing the days to fit your narrative, she was sick on Monday and stayed home the whole week she was sick and then got better and wasn’t sick anymore and went to David’s and said she was still sick when she wasn’t anymore retard, which was obviously because she worked out and went out that day

anonymous 1732151001937


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You are batshit insane wtf are you even on about she stayed home the whole week she didn't miss a single day going to David's except for Saturday and Sunday (Isa and Emma etc went) because she was waiting on the plumber all day when her water wouldn't shut off, she went back in Monday, the day she worked out, there's no argument here

And who gives a fuck what days she went in or didn't, just because one isn't bedridden doesn't mean they're not sick, do you know what taking antibiotics means dumb fuck? That she had an infection and was contagious and David let her be there like nothing

You seriously need mental help no wonder you're up Taylor's flat ass you're both delusional and can't face reality

anonymous 1732152537160

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