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i think uree right at some parts but boycotting definitely does help. if millions of people think the same thing "one person isn't gonna affect anything if i go to eat at / buy something from this problematic company" multiple times then there's definitely a big difference. i believe starbucks lost around 11(?) billion dollars because of people boycotting. that's half of the amount you need to end world hunger. 11 billion dollars made a huge difference, some could've been used in israel buying more military weapons and stuff. now i'm not saying in certain situations where you rarely go out and decide to eat somewhere for a change or minors who work at mcdonalds, i mean if you purposely main a certain company that does terrible stuff despite knowing and have a certain starbucks order everyday (example) then it'd be better to boycott. i think it's nicer to support local shops anyway. you can also see certain large companies getting desperate for people to buy their stuff, which also proves that it makes a difference. every little thing helps if you have the right mindset. boycotting, again, isn't the only thing that helps. maybe some people are unable to donate, but they can definitely help in other ways. it's not completely inefficient. i'm really sorry to hear about the situation in brazil too, i hope things get better for you guys. i don't usually write my opinions publicly online either, i just thought I'd share my opinion w/ you but i'm not at all cominf at u DW !! sorry i'm not the best at explaining


Idk how it is to main a certain industry but you're right as well, still I believe people should talk more about how ONU is being useless


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