anonymous 1728551901131

Hiiii Anna! I have always felt like you have the coolest name in the world, definitely superior to all other names by a long shot!!! Anyways, you may have answered this previously on cc, but when you start a new story, do you know how it will end as well as the main story line? Or do you intuitively see where the story takes you when writing? <3 As always love your works -Anna

hi anna, DEFINITELY the superior name πŸ™‚β€β†•οΈ

when i start a new story i usually know the beginning, certain milestones aka scenes i definitely wanna include, and i usually have at least a half-formed idea of the ending. most times i know the ending very clearly. so like with reputation, for example, i knew the start-point would be taekook meeting again and the whole fake datin set up, and then scenes i definitely wanted to include were: the honeymoon lodge, the post-game hug, the ck shoot. and then i know the plot twist and how the story is going to end. along the way i deviate from the original outline as in: new scenes get added! such include: tae meeting jk's parents, the titanic date, the paris trip. so i always give myself freedom to just go with the story wherever it may take me~

that's how it went for every one of my stories so far :D and the funniest part is that the spontaneous additions more often than not end up being my favorite chapters!

thank you πŸ’—πŸ«‚

anna :) 1728579931406

I have a controversial take. With time I have come to realise that people who have been in relationships and in love in their real lives have a certain depth in their stories while the ones who haven’t sometimes write a very typical tv soapish kind of stories and are heavily obsessed with physical aspect of relationships while ignoring the emotional bonding and maturity. What do you think?

anonymous 1728611441654


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oh, that's an interesting take! i don't think you can generalize it like that to be honest. like, people who've been in relationships for many years may also write lighter stuff, and people who haven't totally have the capacities to write with emotional depth.

but i also see what you mean in regards to your own experiences influencing the way you approach writing. i can only speak for myself, but i did find it difficult to write stories with main characters who are very unlike me for a very long time (i also think this is in part because i started writing from a very young age). now i definitely don't feel that way anymore and haven't for years, like i like it so much more to write about people who have very different personalities. sorry, little tangent, but what i mean to say is that you and your own experiences certainly do influence your writing, but i think it depends on you as a person as to what extent that happens and if you choose to let it happen or not. if that makes sense. i don't wanna make the call and say you need to have experienced a relationship to know love or to write about relationships in a deep or emotional or mature way, because i don't think that's true. i think it's probably more a matter of self-reflection and of understanding the world around you, and everyone's capable of that, just like how everyone's probably capable of writing fun smutty soap opera plots

anna :) 1728634956786

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