
I'm sorry I'm young and stupid I'm a child and I'm a stupid one at that I'm sorry for all of the things I said I shouldn't of said that I'm sorry that I was stupid and said something like that I'm. Sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry please don't accept my apologies in don't deserve any of it I deserve to be fucking killed for all the stuff I said I'm. Sorry I'm trying to calm down I'm trying so hard to calm. Down I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry please I'm. Sorry don't ever interact with me please don't ever accept me to even breathe the same. Air as you I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm stupidim stupid I'm. Stupid I should never even came in your lives


Although I don't know the context for this ( and you're not obliged to tell me! ) it's upsetting to see you, or anyone, like this. I'm not the best at comfort but I'm really sorry for whatever has happened to you. I advise you genuinely take a moment to calm down; shut off whatever device you're using, drink some water, take a breather. Do things you enjoy to distract yourself! Like listening to music, watching a show you like perhaps? Sorry if I'm not much help, tell me if there's anything I can do, even though I barely know you.

STEVEN UNIVERSEE :3 1728040035052


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thank you so much _ !! I'm trying to calm down with watching flamingo on yt rn and it's been so long since I've watched him 😭... I'm gonna go drink water. tysm for this!! I'm sorry you had to see me in such a state of distress ,,,


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