anonymous 1733901292186

What is it about innocence that you find interesting? Why do other paraphiliacs, such as yourself, not seem to value it as much, compared to more carnal things?

i mean, in general, it’s not considered normal to be averse to sex or against perceived impurity. even if i were peer-attracted, you would have to ask why other people like to have one night stands while i prefer to admire beauty from afar.

Outré 1733901619040
anonymous 1733935522967

Much of the point of identifying with paraphilias seems to be a desire to have sex with X thing, and efforts are made to either find people who also want to do so, who don't want to but still desire community, or who want to change society to accept them. You don't appear to fit any of those, to my mind.


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Outré 1733948507600

the nature of my attractions is less “there is no sexual pull attracting me to this thing” and more “i shan’t concern myself with sexual matters, i am not old enough to view love through an explicit lens.”

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