Response for yr serv btw. . .
Hi, I'm aware of everything in this paste, I've looked into this multiple times and I understand the problems behind PluralKit, both regarding their history in support of Endogenic Systems & The fact of Dissociative barriers. I would prefer you have made a ticket about this or dmed me/the staff of the server directly instead of sending this as an anonymous ask to my neospring. I would've gotten to this faster. My server is not a personal statement. It is a community. The backlash we would face for refusing to add pluralkit would be an issue, would cause problems and tension, etcetera. Whether or not real systems or people pretending to be one use it, it doesn't matter. I've seen multiple times of creators being called ableist for not allowing the use of PluralKit in their servers. People have expressed issues before, with pluralkit not being allowed and when we had confined it to one category. Having to respond to tickets/give responses about why we wouldn't have Pluralkit would be exhausting. So would having other servers be gossiping about our staff team/server being ableist for not allowing something they perceive as an accessibility tool be allowed in the server. I've considered removing Pluralkit entirely before, but our staff team requests it and so do other members. If you want to talk about this more in-depth, you can create a ticket in the server or you can DM me @ pizzabawls, but I'm not going to be discussing this any further through Neospring, because this is not something that needs to be talked about here of all places. My account isn't for business. (*ï¿£3ï¿£)â• Thank you for the ask nonetheless, I'm sure others will be happy to be informed about PluralKit, too. It's a very good Paste and I think being educated on who PluralKit is run by & why it's not recommended to be used.
Please open a ticket next time bruh we wont like kill you over it instead of taking it to Neospring. Im pretty sure ik who u are because this has happened Be4 (when u arent even active in the server??) but i wont say anything. There are many systems part of our staff and active members. It isn’t a syscord by all means, we encourage recovery & and we are very aware of these things. 😢