anonymous 1728182212827

can you do a relationship dynamics reading of bnb? i'll light a candle for you hehe

this is great timing because i actually did some haobin tarot readings just now lol, i'll copy and paste:

q: why has haobin's relationship shifted publicly

  • 4 of pentacles: represents financial stability + finally accomplishing something you've worked hard for, can relate to either career or their relationship. like they can relax now but at the same time they're careful of holding onto this newfound stability
  • ace of cups: we keep pulling this card a lot with haobin which is very fitting lol as it represents a new beginning in a relationship specifically, like the honeymoon phase all over again and experiencing that excitement. can also point to their creative juices being revitalised and they're looking forward to embarking on a new chapter
  • 9 of wands: literally represents courage in the face of adversity and staying resilient and strong through it all. indicates they've gone through some external challenges in the past or are going through them rn but they're still keeping that hope between them that things will get better very very soon
  • 4 of wands: the art has 2 people celebrating together which is very on the nose lol it's about harmony and stability + can also point to maybe the 2 of you have been spending a lot of time together recently (lol). and it can also mean marriage 😭
  • the fool: literally the card of new beginnings and about trusting your instincts, it also reminds you to relax and have fun and just let go of stress atm...i'm getting hanbin vibes
  • strength: goes very well with the 9 of wands! as the name would suggest it's just about staying true to yourself and staying calm and compassionate during any hard times. i love this card for their r/s especially as it means that they have a very compassionate and caring relationship with e/o and they know they can always rely on e/o πŸ₯Ί

2 more clarifiers because i was curious and got:

  • page of wands: they have a big vision and many ideas and goals they want to achieve, this card has a very "the world is your oyster" vibe. it's very optimistic. in terms of a romantic r/s it means that they may be trying new things together and just learning together
  • 2 of wands: CRAZY...this card is literally about planning future goals and in love it definitely points towards marriage and seriously making plans for that 😭

it's interesting that the wands suit is so prevalent here as that's the suit for creativity/ideas, i think they're just in a very good place rn both career-wise and love-wise and are looking forward to the future.

q: haobin's relationship plans post-disbandment

  • king of cups: started tweaking as soon as i pulled this...very very emotionally fulfilling and caring relationship, very affectionate, like they're really very happy...the king of cups is the "apex" of the cups cards so it can def point to marriage, even if only a spiritual one rather than a legal one
  • king of pentacles: this is insane loool once again the king is the apex of the pentacles cards so points to a very stable and secure domestic + financial life, a very nurturing card, has a very "we've been married for 50 years" vibe
  • 4 of wands: already pulled this earlier lol once again it's about 2 people celebrating together and can indicate marriage
  • page of wands: also pulled this earlier, very "the world is your oyster" vibe, i think they're actually looking forward to how their r/s will be post-disbandment?
  • the moon: spirituality, intuition, dreams, in the context of the rest of the spread i think it's about them trusting their instincts. can also represent new opportunities

pulled 3 clarifiers because i was greedy sorry:

  • 9 of pentacles: yet again damn...they are really really aiming for financial security lol
  • 9 of cups: "wishes coming true" LOL both of them are very satisfied and happy with the relationship
  • 3 of wands: also pulled this earlier...a new forward shift in the relationship, likely marriage

also asked about coming out + it was (unsurprisingly) negative but i can post if people want lol

alice 1728250278724
anonymous 1728251712930

i’d be curious even if it’s negative! also if you have any other fun ones you wouldn’t mind sharing

sure, i'll copy-paste again!

q: would they consider coming out

  • knight of wands reversed: this card literally means "insecurity about revealing your true self" djsjjss you can't make this shit up....points to just feeling very frustrated and that nothing is going their way, along with a general sense of fear πŸ’”
  • ace of cups reversed: again fear, sadness, and repression of emotions
  • 9 of wands reversed: "a person who may not be a risk-taker" 😭😭😭 remember how i just pulled this one upright for how they're feeling now and it was the reversed position it indicates that you're really struggling and feel like you're working hard for no reason basically
  • 8 of pentacles: represents hard work and putting a lot of effort in to work towards something. within the context of the rest of the spread i think this means that coming out seems like an unattainable dream to them, like it's possible but it would be very very hard
  • knight of swords reversed: similar to the knight of wands reversed, it represents feelings of stagnation and loss of control and fear once again
  • 9 of pentacles: again the card of abundance, for them to consider coming out they really want to be rich and stable beforehand

pulled 2 more clarifiers:

  • 7 of swords: this card is literally the card for sneaking around, lying, and deception fjdjxj 😭
  • the emperor: once again a strict authority who emphasises the rules, i think here this actually represents society/the industry in general

i also asked if they've discussed marriage and signs point to yes but they think it's unrealistic (at least in the near future). like death (it sounds like a scary card but it just means change lol), 8 of wands (a deeper connection within the relationship, a new stage), and 3 of wands (a forward shift in the relationship) mean that they want to get married, but the emperor (as i said, a strict authoritative figure who emphasises the rules), the magician (marriage is a wish for them but they acknowledge it's unrealistic), and the hanged man (as the name suggests, they're at a crossroads and need to think about such an important decision) show that they're aware of how impossible this is atm. the 9 of pentacles also cropped up here which again means the card of financial abundance and career stability, like marriage would only happen once this has been achieved. with all that being said i did pull the empress as a clarifier which is like my haobin card because it crops up in sooo many of my haobin readings lmao and it represents a very compassionate and nurturing romantic relationship!

honestly whenever i ask about haobin's future i fr get the same ~15 cards (which are very positive) so i think my deck is growing bored of me asking how they're gonna turn out lmfaooo i'm gonna switch up my questions and ask what they think of the other members and vice versa 😭

alice 1728312119065

I understand the negativity it comes with coming out. They live in an Asian society who is very conservative. Although the new generations are a bit relax about it, overall it's frown upon. I understand Financial stability needs to be achieved - - especially for Hao since he mentioned quite often how growing up his family didn't have much money. Same with hanbin since he probably wants to take the burden off his family and shoulder expenses.

However in the entertainment field, if they were to come out, they will be shunned or won't be profitable to earn money. It sucks but that's how it is in Asian society. I hope one day there will be some light for them. I can't imagine how suffocated they feel and also scared of the outcome since they know things won't change overnight

anonymous 1728355378241


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