


ask me something!

soph 1724377353817

青に呑まれる . . . このまま ♪

ask game! 📕 .. for one of my fave characters! 📗 ‥ for one of my fave songs rn! 📘 ‥ for a fact about me!

Narcissus 1724562979159

red book!!!

yugiri zombie land saga... i just think she's neat. sagajihen goes insane btw. what the fuck

asker ✰ 0
asker ✰ 0
asker ✰ 1724521269478

Jump off a cliff fat retarded fag

Aren't you 4'10

asker ✰ 1724432058994

hey so you're following someone really problematic. please read this for more context:

i'm shaking wtf wtf

📕 and rant about them

unsurprising but i'm not good at talking about most characters i like and kind of better at it with her so. Yukina minato. Stupid idiot ilove her so much Why are all of roselia's songs just her singing about how much she loves her friends over a prog rock inst. Girl what areyoudoing. Really it's most of what makes her so endearing to me soit'll probably take up the bulk of this She's so ridiculously caring towards everyone in roselia and it's really sweet to see her grow from where she was in bs1 especially in earlier events (summer1 gave me all the mental illnesses) andbe more openly affectionate towards them... She's also dumb as rocks Why is she like this?ALSOAIAI HAS A FUCKING AMAZING VOICE wasted on That freak.okim running up against the character limit Might continue in comments

walker 1724172240115

📕📘 :p

gideon nav... himbo butch save me + my favourite animals are tapirs and octopuses! tapirs are so ugly (/aff) it Kills me.

asker ✰ 0

HI EMI Iactually have no idea how to answer this andidont think this really counts but. I'm doing astronomy for gcse in september And the telescope i need for it finally arrived did anyone else cheer

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