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anonymous 1735106424183

Nothing, just wanna stop by and tell how much Jani loves and cares you!!!!

Jani!!!!! How I love and care you so much too. I wish you have a merriest Christmas filled with abundant love and happiness on your end 🦌❤️🦌

Lou 1735106834700
anonymous 1734799046906

Tips dan trik untuk memilih partner SEK yang tepat apakah harus mengetahui histori zodiac orang tersebut?

Yang penting MBTI-nya HRNY

Lou 1734801639134
anonymous 1734799016215

Pernahkah anda merasakan hidup anda tidak berarti karena tidak memiliki SEK?

Walaupun hidup seribu tahun kalau tidak SEK apa gunanya

Lou 1734801494387
anonymous 1734799003592

Apa hukumnya mendesah TAHU ISI.... BAKWAN... saat melaksanakan SEK?


Lou 1734801175923
anonymous 1734798981788

Dalam dunia yang ideal, apakah seorang politikus perlu menjadi tikus?

Apapun pertanyaannya jawabannya YNTKTS

Lou 1734799507318
anonymous 1734798963368

Ada seorang mahasiswa kesulitan mengerjakan rumus matematika di kelasnya. Apabila mahasiswa tersebut ingin lebih pintar, apakah mahasiswa itu perlu belajar atau SEK?


Lou 1734799079343
Sora 1734347102739

What's your cure for a bad day?

I can always hit reset at night, and tomorrow for me, is a blank slate. That, I can plan for a better day in the morning, and a cold shower also helps to get a better sleep. However, when things feel too overwhelming, I usually turn to workouts once I’ve finished everything else

Lou 1734364547490
anonymous 1734165531790

Are you currently setting your eyes on someone?

Uhm, I don’t think I am. I’m not

Lou 1734198382342
Keigo 1733679089661

If you're a flower, what would you be?

A lotus. Lotuses are surrounded by fish gliding below and ducklings paddling above.

Lou 1733729029556

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