Move along, do not wallow in regret.

Passers-by 1734881077138

Sedihnya aku nggak libur. Rencana tidur jam berapa? #maafpertanyaananeh

Oalah. Jadi gimana hari ini? (With intention to lure you to my private chatroom). Gak tau. Di atas jam 1, maybe?

Adesse 1734881989985
Passers-by 1734853366461

Aku telat gak kalau baru mau bilang semangat kerjanya?

Lumayan karena sejam lagi pulang? But the effort is appreciated, terima kasih. Selamat istirahat di weekend-mu yang libur itu.

Adesse 1734855284335
Passers-by 1734839240521

You’re so lovely. Sudah aku dengerin playlistnya. Seharian bakal senyum-senyum. Izin aku simpan ya. I made you one too by the way.

Okay, Ocean. ☺️

Adesse 1734839590526
Passers-by 1734836343295

Correct! It’s me. You’ll be my first (followers) (kalau difollowback). I’m making you a playlist too soalnya nggak mau kalah.

Lucunya... aku followback, sih, semoga gak kecewa, ya.

Adesse 1734838115403
Passers-by 1734835062284

Coba kamu cari aja followers kamu yang 0 followers. Itu aku.

With only me in your following that's not an artist? Cute. I'm making you a playlist.

Adesse 1734835599788
Passers-by 1734827451968

Semoga aku duluan yang berani ajak kenalan. Btw udah difollow ya spotifynya.

Gitu? Semangat deh. Boleh spill gak pfp spotify-mu apa? (Mau followback).

Adesse 1734827972285
Passers-by 1734799151332

Halo. Telat banget gak nih? Baru pulang kerja (ngabarin). Mau kenalan juga tapi ngumpulin keberanian dulu ya.

Welcome home, I guess? Kita liat nanti duluan kamu berani atau aku stop ngetweet suicidal, ya.

Adesse 1734818510179
Passers-by 1734799700487

Udah tidur ya.

Udah. Soalnya hari ini kerja (paid overtime) (sorry kalau menyentuh rumput).

Adesse 1734817970341
Passers-by 1734780540635

One knows who I am when I ask to exchange messages, doesn’t one? I have just one question for you: if you had to choose, what would you prefer to let go of—someone you love dearly or the insecurities within yourself?

The former. Because best believe, these insecurities are what made me, I am. They are here to be my harsh, vile critics. And still they are mine and me first. Born and gave birth to me, a cycle unbreakable. This doesn't mean I am in love too much with being insecure, no, but I haven't learned to mourn properly for myself, even after countless mourning for other people.

What about you? What would be your choice?

Adesse 1734780885080
Passers-by 1734757947959

Iya betul follow spotify. Agak malam ya aku follownya. Buat apa nyesel. I really adore you. Semangat kerjanya. Nanti aku muncul lagi kalau dibolehin.

Follow spotify aja? Gak mau kenalan? Gak mau liat the rotting flesh and all the fading bruises?

Adesse 1734759397797
Passers-by 1734756930345

Kalau langsung aku follow aja gimana? Aku kayaknya takut dikit. Tapi penasaran juga rasanya digigit. Eh. Hahaha. Kenapa harus sedia pistol?

Follow spotify, maksudnya? Silakan.

Sedia aja. Siapa tau habis ini kamu nyesel terus mau ikut aku tembak kepala.

Adesse 1734757518378
Passers-by 1734754251466

Oke. Aku naksir kamu. Follow spotify-nya nanti dulu ya. Malu. Kalau pajak 12% nya demi kamu aku ikhlas sih.

DM aja nanti spotify-nya, ya. Gak perlu takut. I only bite when you beg and/or I'm a whiny mess under you, kok. Sedia pistol ya, by the way.

Adesse 1734755156657

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