fern/elliot! 12/3/2024 *

Thinking about usin g the term nonhuman....... ive started to dislike being called person and i tend to view myself as something besides human O_O ive just been scared to look into things like alterhumans because the therian community is absolutely unforgiving towards those they consider "fake therians" or whatever that whole thing is (andd it makes me too embarrassed to use the term therian or consider being one, hence why im considering using just nonhuman for now eueueueu this stuff is really difficult!!!!!!! it feels like it has the same difficulty as questioning stuff like gender and sexuality to me....... 💔💔💔😓) (also my theme keeps flashing me because i have tabs open which are all in dark mode and its 1 am so i switch to this one and it is BRIGHT!!!!!!!!! BRIGHT I TELL YOU!)

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