fern/elliot! 1736477271483

Im TWEAKIng trying to find the neospring server invite ........................... oomf i need help i left the server like two days ago but i need to join back ..................... i swear you were there can you invite me

YEAH I AM!!! here's the invite :3

boombox 1736482110953
fern/elliot! 1736482323014

THANK YOu Why are there 400 neospringlings in the server....................... i thought there were 100 liek last time i checked oh are you maybe up for pony town or is it too late

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boombox 1736490768093

i have no idea... the neospringlings are Coming. BUT EEK I'M IN BED I'M SORRY 😞 we will soon though trust

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