

guitarist & clarinetist β€” big fleetwood mac fan πŸ”₯ getting around to prettying this up! .co/badreligion

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capriyah 1732474004591

I don’t rlly have followers on here yet I need to share this account around but I wanted to share a little shower thought. Dreams by Fleetwood Mac is one of my all time favorite songs it’s so beautiful. Bands like Fleetwood and Dire Straits really inspired me to pick up guitar when I was a young teenager and start this little band my wife and I have with our friends. Law school is kicking my ass and I will def never have time to fully devote myself to a band bc I have so many other ambitions and it always makes me dejected but I’ll always find a little solace in music and I think that’s a wonderful thing :3.

capriyah 1732474112944 *


Angel 1732255516634

Omg that was so fast

OHHH oh my goodness I’m so sorry this was pretty rude of me. I wanted this user for a little while and when looking through my search history I noticed it was free and I sort of just impulsively took it. If you’d like, I have no issues changing my username so you can have it back!

capriyah 1732257226875
Angel 1732255519386



capriyah 1732256549849

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